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The Tarot
This is M R Gs Tarot page. We will be adding new and exciting information on a regular basis. We will tell you about new decks and different spreads available for you.


  The Tarot in your everyday life
Using the Tarot daily can show you insight in whats going on in your life. The Tarot cannot predict the future, but can provide you with information that you can use to make the decisions that will guide you through your journey

Tarot for the beginner
The ideal Tarot deck for beginners is the Rider Waite deck. This deck has become one of the most favorite and popular decks used by readers worldwide. The decks images are beautiful and represent every element of life, every emotion we will experience, every lesson that needs to be learned and every condition possible to know. This deck is available at all major book stores

A simple daily reading
An easy and simple way to become familiar with your Tarot deck is to do a daily reading.

1. Shuffle the deck once or twice
2. Hold the deck face down in one hand and cover it with your other hand
3.Pause a moment to become calm and centered
4. Ask your Inner Guide to give you the guidance you need for the day
5. Place the deck face down in front of you
6.Cut the deck to the left and restack it
7. Turn over the top card as your card of the day
8. Study this card and let your intuition work to assist you in interpreting the meaning
9. Return this card to the deck and shuffle once or twice

When you perform this daily reading you will be amazed at how the cards start to show you insight into your daily life...Enjoy

Check out this Tarot site

The Sun from the Rider Waite deck
The Sun card represents enlightenment,greatness,vitality and assurance

The Star from the Rider Waite deck
The Star card represents hope,inspiration,generosity and serenity