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M R Gs Astrology page
Please check this page often for new information on Astrology and the Zodiac

  Astrology and the Zodiac Astrology is a technique for understanding change, especially as that change pertains to the process of growth and transformation.The twelve signs of the Zodiac are a graphic model of the spirtual awakening process that begins with birth and continues through the course of life.

The twelve Zodiac signs
  The Moon phases The Moon in Astrology is very important, second only to the Sun, because it is thought to reflect the true character of the soul. The Moon rules the inner part of the person that can be seen only when someone knows that person well.

Moon phases
  Horoscopes Horoscopes (or Birth Charts). A schematic diagram of the sky as it was at the minute when, and seen from the place where a particular event occurred. Most frequently, this is a birth, though it may be another personal event such as a marriage or perhaps the launch of a new enterprise.