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Welcome to MRG. Metaphysics and the paranormal are believed by us to be any form of awareness based on studies and research of Astrology,Tarot,I Ching,Numerology,Palmistry,Runes,Wicca and the Psychic Phenomenon. This belief is not limited to the above examples, as we welcome research into other areas such as Ufology,Zin,Hypnosis and many others. If you have an area of interest not listed, please feel free to contact us.
MRG Meetings
MRG meets the fourth Friday of every month at the Oxford Community Building, 4027 C.R. 106, Oxford, Florida 34484. Meetings are at 7:00 P.M. and are open to everyone. There is no charge for the meetings.Each meeting will feature a guest speaker and there will be an open forum discussion at the end of every meeting.Seating is limited, so arrive early.

Contacting MRG
MRG can be reached at MRG, P.O. Box 1206, Lady Lake, Florida 32158

Or contact Rick Hencye @ 352-787-6643 or Jon Winfield @ 352-259-5610 or click on the link below to E-Mail MRG.

Send an email


The meeting for October 2007 will be on Friday October 26, 2007 at 7:00 P.M.  This months meeting will be,   The TRUE  Meaning of Halloween, Presented by Brian Morse.